47 pages 1 hour read

Paul Volponi

Black And White

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2005

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Character Analysis

Marcus Brown (“Black”)

Content Warning: This section of the guide describes and discusses the source text’s depiction of racism and racial discrimination.

Marcus is a 17-year-old student at Long Island High City School and a star of the basketball team along with his best friend Eddie. The two are caught committing robberies when Eddie accidentally fires his gun and shoots a man. Marcus largely takes the blame and is sentenced to two years in prison, though it was Eddie who fired the gun.

Marcus lives with his mother and his younger sister Sabrina. Throughout the novel, Marcus is portrayed as humble, respectful, and a valuable member of his team. Initially, he hesitates to follow along with Eddie’s plan to gain extra money through robbery, but eventually relents, citing a need to start “pulling [his] own weight” as he grows older (7). He fears disappointing his mother and the older figures in his life, especially in the aftermath of the shooting. Even after his arrest, both Coach Casey and Officer Jefferson speak highly of his character and his potential to turn his life around after his prison sentence.

Through Marcus's plight, the novel explores Disparities in the Criminal Justice System. Marcus, as a Black person, is treated poorly by the system compared to Eddie.