62 pages • 2 hours read
Anne TylerA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Willa is now 21 and is in college. Her boyfriend, Derek, is 23 and finishing his degree this year, but Willa has one more year to go. For Easter weekend, Derek flies them to visit Willa’s family. It’s Willa’s first time flying. Derek takes care of everything at the airport because Willa doesn’t know what to do.
While awaiting their flight, Derek brings up asking Willa’s parents for her hand in marriage. Willa is taken aback, but Derek tells Willa he’s in love with her and has known for a long time that he wants to marry her. Derek already has a job lined up in California, and he wants Willa to be there with him when he starts. She’s looking forward to a year of intensive focus on linguistics. When Willa explains this, Derek doubts her willingness to marry him. Willa reassures him but is concerned about leaving her specialized program and her scholarship at their current school. Derek brushes this off, suggesting she can get another scholarship. Willa asks if he’s mad, but he knows she’ll change her mind.
On the plane, Willa takes the middle seat because she’s smaller than Derek. A man sits on the other side of Willa. Once they’re in the air, Derek reads his book. Willa thinks it’s nice to know who she’s going to marry, but she’s concerned about Derek’s temper and obsession with sports.
Willa feels something poke into her ribs. The man next to her tells her it’s a loaded gun and instructs her to keep her eyes forward and say nothing. He tells her he’ll shoot her if she moves. Willa can’t see the gun, but only feel it. She wonders what to do. The stewardess collecting trash doesn’t notice the gun and continues her route down the aisle.
Derek stands abruptly and tells Willa to trade places with him. He’s noticed she is just staring at the seat in front of her, and he wants her to look out the window. Willa is terrified that the man will shoot her if she moves, but when she stands, nothing happens. She and Derek trade places. The man does not bother Derek. Willa is scared for the rest of the trip. When they land, the man exits the plane quickly. When Willa tells Derek about the man with the gun, Derek is incredulous. He suggests maybe the man was messing with her and it wasn’t a gun at all.
On the way back to Willa’s home, Willa tells her parents about the man with the gun. Derek interjects that the man was just a bored jokester. Willa is offended but says Derek’s theory is possible. She changes the subject to Elaine’s absence. Elaine is 16, rebellious, and has no time for her family these days. The subject of the gun is dropped completely. At Willa’s house, Derek stays in the guest room while Willa occupies her old bed in her shared bedroom with Elaine. Elaine dresses in dark clothes and her hair covers her face. She abstains from most family gatherings throughout the weekend.
Willa thinks about the man on the plane, and it colors her perception of Derek and her parents, who have gone along with Derek’s theory. She wakes in the middle of the night with her heart pounding because she felt a jab in her side. To get back to sleep, she considers Derek’s proposal. She worries about giving up her college linguistics path, but at the same time, the idea of throwing away everything to be Derek’s wife is tempting.
Willa, Derek, and Willa’s parents go to a local restaurant. Willa’s father tells Derek about Willa’s mother’s acting hobby. Someday Derek may get to see her perform. Willa takes this as a sign that they want her to bring Derek around again.
During Easter lunch on the final day, Willa tells Elaine the story of the man on the plane. Elaine is disturbed to learn that Willa didn’t “make a fuss” (67) during the event. Their father sticks up for Willa, adding how hard it is to stand up for oneself on a crowded plane. When he was a student, a man tried to rob him with a knife. He told the man that he didn’t have his wallet on him, which was the truth. The knife-wielding man called him a wimpy, weak loser. Willa’s father agreed, and the man left him alone. Derek says Willa’s father shouldn’t have let the man get away with speaking to him that way. Willa’s mother agrees with Derek, but Willa and her father are on the same page.
Willa and Derek announce their engagement after they’ve packed up to leave. Derek details his plan to marry Willa in the summer and move her with him when he goes to California for work. He says he’s “hoping to talk her around” (70) leaving school, which upsets Willa’s mother. She accuses him of disregarding Willa’s side of things, mentioning Derek’s dismissive reaction to the gunman. Willa agrees with her mother, but when Derek and Willa’s mother argue, Willa shuts it down by announcing that she is going to marry Derek no matter what.
Like Chapter 1, Chapter 2 also covers just a few days in Willa’s life, this time when she is a 21-year-old college student at a crossroads. This chapter continues to develop the theme of The Drawbacks of Passivity and introduces the theme of The Pursuit of Self-Fulfillment.
Willa’s reactions to Derek’s proposal and the gunman on the plane show that Willa remains almost self-destructively passive, putting others’ comfort and desires above her own. When Derek approaches the topic of marriage with Willa for the first time in the airport terminal, he is open about his expectations: “I can’t imagine just going off and leaving you behind when I start my job. [...] I need to have you with me” (44). Willa is taken aback at this demand that she abandon her studies—her professor Dr. Brogan “has a whole plan for me, Derek. Next fall I’m taking his honors course in linguistic anthropology” (44). Willa also has a full scholarship, which is “not that easy to arrange” (44), contrary to Derek’s opinion. However, their discussion ends on a tense note, with Derek dismissing her protestations: “I’m not mad in the least [...] because I’m counting on changing your mind by and by” (45). While Derek’s disregard for Willa’s educational path concerns Willa, she neglects to firmly stand up for herself in the face of his insistence, choosing passivity over rocking the boat.
The same dynamic recurs even more dramatically on the plane. At all times, Willa complies with men telling her what to do. Upon being told that the blunt object pressing into her ribs is a gun, Willa remains docile in the face of this danger. When Derek insists that they switch seats, she does as told despite her fear that the man with the gun will shoot her if she moves. At no point does she seek out help, either from her fiancé or even from the flight attendant. Even more disturbingly, when Willa finally tells Derek about the man, Derek brushes her off, saying, “[I]t doesn’t add up, sweetie. […] Don’t you think it was maybe a joke?” (52). Derek’s self-assured condescension makes it so Willa’s family neglects to take her story seriously, too. Rather than addressing her concerns, or at least her fear, Derek does his best to undermine her experiences and make her question her understanding of events, arguing that since Willa didn’t see the gun, there may not have been one: “Guy was probably just sitting there bored out of his skull, and he thinks to himself, ‘I know what: I’ll have myself some fun with this snippy little college girl’” (54). Derek’s nasty putdown of Willa as “snippy” quiets the conversation about the gunman, leaving Willa alone with her trauma. Willa’s neglect to stand up for herself shows how passivity can negatively impact one’s sense of self-worth and one’s pursuit of self-fulfillment.
Willa’s docility in the face of Derek’s aggression seems to align her with traditional gender roles, which assume women will give up career and educational ambitions to support their husbands. Willa’s conflict avoidance tamps down her intellectual life. Her passion for language “had been her great epiphany in college” (60), and she’s excited about her special course of study and looking forward to a fulfilling educational path. However, Willa decides impulsively during an argument between Derek and Willa’s parents that she’s “marrying him and that’s that” (71). Willa’s sudden decision stems from her fear of making others angry, which the novel implies stems from her mother’s rages. To stop the heated discussion between her parents and her fiancé, Willa impulsively announces that she will marry Derek. This sets the precedent for their relationship: Derek follows his whims and Willa passively goes along with what he wants, even when his plans do not benefit her.
The novel’s other couple, Willa’s parents, embody a darker take on this gender essentialism. Willa’s mother is volatile and chaotic, driven by irrational mood swings and anger in a caricature of stereotypical women. When Willa’s mother describes throwing Elaine’s clothes out the window because she left them all over the bedroom, Willa’s father dismisses this worrisome behavior, couching it as a quirk: “My wife is very tempestuous” (55). Willa resents the way her father says this, as “[h]e always made it sound like a virtue” (55). Willa’s father is unemotional, detached from his children’s lives, and browbeaten by his wife—another negative stereotype, this time of ineffectual masculinity. When Willa’s father tells the story of an attempted mugger who called him a loser, Derek is shocked—his aggressive version of masculinity could never “let people get away with talking to you like that” (68).
By Anne Tyler
A Patchwork Planet
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A Spool of Blue Thread
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Average Waves in Unprotected Waters
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Breathing Lessons
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Digging to America
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Dinner At The Homesick Restaurant
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French Braid
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Redhead by the Side of the Road
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Saint Maybe
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Teenage Wasteland
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The Accidental Tourist
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Vinegar Girl
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