105 pages 3 hours read

Octavia E. Butler


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1987

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Part 2, Chapters 1-4Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Family”

Part 2, Chapter 1 Summary

Lilith sleeps, then wakes to a wonderful meal of recognizable Earth fruits and vegetables. She meets Jdahya’s family: his wife, Tediin (Kaaljdahyatediin lel Kahguyaht aj Dinso); his ooloi mate, Kahguyaht (Ahtrekahguyahtkaal lel Jdayhateddiin aj Dinso); and their ooloi child, Nikanj (Kaalnikanj oo Jdahyatediinkahguyaht aj Dinso).

Lilith finds that she instinctively does not like Kahguyaht: “It was smug and it tended to treat her condescendingly. It was also one of the creatures scheduled to bring about the destruction of what was left of humanity” (48). Though Jdahya said the Oankali are not hierarchical, Kahguyaht seems to be the head of the household. The ooloi has four arms, with two arms like big tentacles. Ooloi are referred to as “it,” which Lilith finds appropriate for Kahguyaht.

Lilith asks how the family can eat human foods; Kahguyaht replies that they have learned to eat the food by studying humans’ bodies. It says that children and the very old can still be poisoned by human foods if they don’t neutralize the food in time. Lilith asks what kinds of foods would be poisonous, and Kahguyaht insinuates that she wants to poison an Oankali child. Lilith tries to hide her dislike of Kahguyaht and reminds him that she’s encouraged to ask questions.