43 pages 1 hour read

Julia Phillips

Disappearing Earth

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Chapters 2-5Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 2 Summary: “September”

The chapter begins with 13-year-old Olga, nicknamed Olya, struggling with her new reality: constant news reports about the Golosovskaya sisters, missing persons posters, and stricter curfews. Although her own mother, an interpreter who works up north, trusts Olya to care for herself, other parents are being more vigilant and keeping their children close.

Olya is upset at the impact the abduction has had on her relationship with Diana Nikolaevna, her best friend of five years. Diana has been spending less time with her, ostensibly because her mother thinks the streets are unsafe. When Olya sees a picture of Diana with three other girls on social media, she rushes to join them. During the bus ride to Diana’s house, however, she has second thoughts and begins to suspect the girls are laughing at her. Olya calls Diana, but her friend doesn’t pick up. Diana’s mother, Valentina Nikolaevna, phones to tell Olya she is no longer welcome in their home, calling her a bad influence.

Olya takes the bus to the city center and tries to buy a hotdog from a street vendor, but she doesn’t have enough money. She buys a can of Coca-Cola and a hot tea and settles on a bench to people-watch.

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By Julia Phillips