43 pages 1 hour read

Julia Phillips

Disappearing Earth

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Character Analysis

Marina Alexandrovna

Marina is an award-winning journalist for United Russia and a single mother to Alyona and Sophia. She is so distraught by her daughters’ disappearance that she experiences panic attacks. She finds comfort in speaking with her ex-husband, both of whom share responsibility for the girls’ disappearance: Marina left them unattended, her ex-husband left the family behind for Moscow. Marina feels guilty for not having prepared her daughters for dangerous encounters with strangers. The disappearance of her children has left Marina broken and purposeless. She is grief-stricken, but she maintains hope that her daughters are alive.

Alyona Golosovskaya

Alyona is Marina’s 11-year-old daughter, who is kidnapped in the book’s opening chapter. Mature beyond her years, Alyona takes care of her younger sister, Sophia, while their mother works. She has a mischievous streak, which is apparent when she tells a story she knows will frighten Sophia. Alyona worries about appearances. She is embarrassed that passersby might witness Sophia’s awkward ballet maneuvers while the two are playing by the water. She is also ashamed to be seen with her sister and Yegor, “a weak stranger” (11) when they encounter an older boy on a skateboard. Alyona shows great fortitude, putting on a brave face for her sister’s benefit at the moment they are kidnapped.

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By Julia Phillips