54 pages 1 hour read

Freida McFadden

One by One

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2020

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Chapters 19-25Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary

The group looks for Michelle. Claire stumbles upon a tree with five gashes that resemble claw marks, which look eerily similar to the claw marks she saw earlier with Lindsay. At the base of the tree is even more blood. Claire feels as though she’s being hunted, seeing a dark shape in the bush and hearing growling, so she cries out for Noah. He quickly comes to her aid, though he sees no shadow, and he tells her that he thinks Michelle must be dead since they still haven’t found her and the amount of blood in the woods is concerning.

They decide to look for Jack and Warner. When they find them, Jack wants to keep searching for Michelle, but Warner thinks they should find a water source so that the rest of them don’t die of dehydration. Jack agrees, as long as they look for Michelle afterward. Warner rolls his eyes, and Claire agrees with his sentiment.

Chapter 20 Summary

Jack tracks a rabbit’s footsteps to a muddy pond. He strains the water through a pillowcase to get rid of dirt and then adds a tablet to the bottle that kills bacteria.