117 pages 3 hours read

Alan Gratz

Projekt 1065

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Consider the reasons why many of Michael’s peers join the Hitler Youth. What were their motivations? Did they take their involvement seriously? If so, how? How does their involvement in the Hitler Youth program connect with the theme of The Role of Children in War?

Teaching Suggestion: This prompt may work as either an in-class discussion or a writing prompt. Students should make the connection that targeted youth programs like the Hitler Youth were forms of indoctrination by the German state, perpetuating ideologies with the ultimate goal that they would be passed down to future generations. Furthermore, different characters had different responses to their involvement, with characters like Fritz considered to be fanatics for Hitler.

Differentiation Suggestion: For students more focused on practicing comprehension of a text, you might introduce the second question regarding the connection to the theme of The Role of Children in War as a guided in-class discussion, as some students may struggle to make the connection between the characters’ involvement in the Hitler Youth and the targeted indoctrination of German children by Nazi Germany.