117 pages 3 hours read

Alan Gratz

Projekt 1065

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. B (Chapter 5)

2. D (Chapter 7)

3. C (Chapter 9)

4. B (Chapter 16)

5. B (Chapter 21)

6. C (Chapter 29)

7. A (All Chapters)

8. D (Chapter 40)

9. B (Chapter 50 onward)

10. A (Chapter 92)

11. B (Various chapters)

12. C (Chapter 94)

Long Answer

1. The novel is written from the third-person point of view. The narrator is limited to revealing the thoughts and feelings of the main character, Michael. The narrator can describe only the words and actions of other characters, and only as Michael observes these details. (Various chapters)

2. Answers will vary; readers may suggest, for example, that the novel is written in short chapters from the perspective of a young adult. Consequently, they can connect with Michael more easily and feel greater empathy for him.  (Various chapters)