47 pages 1 hour read

Joan Bauer

Stand Tall

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2005

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Chapters 24-31Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 24 Summary

Soon Dad arrives, and while he gathers food and supplies, Tree carries his grandfather to the car and runs back to get Bradley. Driving is treacherous, but they make it to the middle school, the evacuation site. However, when they arrive, a policeman prohibits animals from going inside; pets must remain on the football field. Tree leaves Bradley with a fireman while he gets Grandpa settled inside. The dog is shaking in terror when Tree returns, and as Mr. Cosgrove, the janitor walks by, the boy begs to house Bradley in the school basement. Mr. Cosgrove reluctantly agrees. After leaving Bradley there, a siren beckons them upstairs where chaos persists. Seeing a boy pleading to keep his rabbits, Tree persuades Mr. Cosgrove to put them inside. Then, the janitor brings Mrs. Clitter’s cat, to the basement, and Tree builds a makeshift cage.

Chapter 25 Summary

Even though Mr. Cosgrove insists that no more animals are allowed, more keep coming, and Tree frantically builds more cages. As he works, questions swirl through his brain. He worries about Sophie and wonders where she is. When Jeremy Liggins arrives with hamsters, Mr. Cosgrove, who has witnessed Jeremy bully Tree in the past, resolutely says no to putting the animals in the basement.