67 pages 2 hours read

Amor Towles

Table for Two: Fictions

Fiction | Short Story Collection | Adult | Published in 2024

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Part 2, Section 2, Chapters 7-13Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Los Angeles: Eve in Hollywood”

Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 7 Summary: “Litsky”

In the last month, Litsky quit his job, lost his career, and was banned from working for other publications. He has spent endless nights thinking about how Eve tricked him, and he sees Wendell’s offer of blackmail as a chance to change his fortune. He assured Wendell that the photos were excellent, and made sure to have Wendell handle most of the blackmailing—writing the note, making the call to the hotel, and retrieving the bag from the diner. At his apartment, Litsky dodges his landlady asking for rent, imagining the life he will have in Mexico with the money from the blackmail. When Wendell made the call to the hotel, hearing Eve’s voice reinforced Litsky’s feeling of revenge. Rather than watch over the diner from an office building, Litsky hid behind Wendell’s immaculate house until Wendell left to get the bag. Now, he reenters the house to search for the pictures.

Litsky struggles to find the pictures, noting how clean and orderly Wendell’s home is. Eventually, Litsky runs out of time, hiding behind some bushes to see Wendell arrive in his blue convertible. After Wendell goes inside, Litsky waits a minute before knocking on the front door.