106 pages 3 hours read

Shelley Pearsall

The Seventh Most Important Thing

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapter 51-Seven Years LaterChapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 51 Summary

On Arthur’s 14th birthday, he goes to a baseball game with Roger and his family, which is “a lot more fun than Arthur thought it would be” (253). It’s such a good birthday that Arthur saves his ticket from the game. Even though his dad wasn’t there, Arthur wants to remember the day.

Chapter 52 Summary

Right before the 4th of July, Officer Billie calls to tell Arthur the museum wants to acquire Mr. Hampton’s sculpture. They won’t display it right away, and it will go into storage. Arthur is disappointed the art isn’t going “to a place where people could see it” (257), but he’s glad he won’t have to worry about losing the art forever. 

Chapter 53 Summary

Arthur tells Squeak that Mr. Hampton’s art is going into storage at the museum. Squeak is a lot more excited than Arthur. Arthur says it isn’t big deal, since the art won’t be on display, but Squeak argues that storage is “better than sitting in an old garage in an alley” (260). Arthur doesn’t agree, but he says nothing.