106 pages 3 hours read

Shelley Pearsall

The Seventh Most Important Thing

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 26-30Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 26 Summary

The following Saturday, Arthur arrives at the garage to find the cart missing and no notes left for him. The side door of the garage is open, and after hesitating, Arthur goes inside. Arthur knocks and calls out. In response, a noise comes from inside, putting Arthur on edge. He enters slowly and finds a light switch. He flips it on and is blinded by the “dazzling vision that awaited him” (123).

Chapter 27 Summary

Inside the garage, Arthur finds glittering piles of silver and gold. Looking closer, Arthur notices that “everything had its own pair of sparkling wings” (125). He remembers Mr. Hampton’s note about how he took Arthur’s dad’s hat for the wings.

A moan from the other side of the garage catches Arthur’s attention. Mr. Hampton is lying on the floor, and it looks like he fell and hit his head.

Chapter 28 Summary

Arthur runs to Mr. Hampton’s side to help. Hampton asks who Arthur is. When Arthur gives his name, Hampton says Arthur’s “the one who saved me” (126).

Arthur brings Groovy Jim to the garage. Hampton is still alive but says he’s ready to die. Groovy Jim tells him it isn’t his time yet and says the stuff in the garage is pretty cool.