106 pages 3 hours read

Shelley Pearsall

The Seventh Most Important Thing

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 38-39Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 38 Summary

The next day, Barbara tells Arthur their mother has a boyfriend, Roger Dent, who’s coming for dinner on Friday. Arthur feels betrayed and like his mother is “throwing out his dad” (180). Roger is a carpenter. Arthur wants to believe Roger working with wood and wood being the fourth important thing is a coincidence, but he can’t.

“The Fourth Important Thing” Summary

Arthur expects Roger to be “a slimeball guy” that Arthur’s mom only went out with because she was lonely (182). Actually, Roger is overweight, balding, and older than Arthur’s dad was. Roger made a birdhouse for Arthur’s mother, which Arthur can’t help being impressed by. His mother loves the birdhouse, and Arthur realizes that, to her, Roger is “the fourth most important thing” (184).

Arthur is quiet through most of dinner, until his mother nervously points out how he hasn’t said much. Arthur asks Roger what else he builds, which gets Roger talking about his work and life. Reluctantly, Arthur finds he likes Roger.

Chapter 39 Summary

The next Saturday, Mr. Hampton tells Arthur to make more angel wings. Working on the wings with Mr. Hampton reminds Arthur of building stuff with his dad.